Mudborne Game - Uma visão geral

A portion of the money made will be donated towards national and international amphibian, wetlands, and environmental charities to help keep our little green friends and their homes happy and healthy

There are four general environments on the maps where you'll find mushrooms growing: the grass on the top of any section of island, the mud denoted by brown pits with walking boards above them to keep your little froggy feet clean, indoors depending on the air quality, and in the water dotted about as you explore the pond wandering between the island segments.

Mushrooms require precise heat and moisture conditions before they'll grow, so while certain mushrooms grow in extremely common conditions, you'll need to keep your eyes peeled as conditions change throughout the day.

In the demo there’s only a few mushrooms just to ease people into the trait modifications, but there's a lot more strange mushrooms to find in the full-game with some challenging modifications to master!

Mudborne is being created by ellraiser, one half of the indie-dev studio, TNgineers. A spiritual successor of sorts to APICO, Mudborne instead focuses on genetic manipulation and generational puzzles to create and discover all sorts of frog species, with experimentation being encouraged.

With certain mushrooms rarer than others and somewhat difficult to come by because of this, you'll want to save your rarer mushrooms for when you really need them (or at least until you've stocked up on a wealth of them).

Mushrooms are the key component to changing the traits of the frogs you're breeding as you pass through generations by way of the magic muds you include in the nursery with the frogspawn eggs, so if you need to Mudborne Game change a specific trait, be sure you've got the right kind of magic mud in as the tadpoles form. If not, you'll need to try again with a new bunch of frogborne eggs and a new batch of mud.

If you’ve got any thoughts or feedback of your own be sure to post in these "General Discussions" forums, or you can use the following form if you’d prefer:

Like most things in Mudborne, you'll also need to pay attention to which realm a mushroom in the table below grows in, since the waking and dreaming worlds have their own mushroom variants, each of which have unique effects, so be sure to explore both realms in all conditions - you never know what you might find growing.

Build and manage sprawling networks of machines + pipes to mass produce delicious meals that can satiate the endless hunger of the beasts that are invading your home. Order Up!

The game is still in development, with a release aimed for 2025. You can follow along with progress and devlogs in the Discord, be sure to give it a wishlist to be notified of release! You can play the demo below.

There are a couple ways to get mushrooms to spawn in Mudborne, but you'll need to understand where they grow first before you can try to force them to appear.

I introduce ancestry towards the end of the spawning pools - I didn’t want to have things too complex just for the demo/tutorial region, but in the full game there’ll be a lot more advanced frogs requiring some clever magic mud across several generations to form.

Not only will they offer plenty of cute frog furniture to stash the frogs you create with all these mushrooms in a fashionable abode, but they've got plenty of gear like Hydrators, Dehydrators, and Heaters to allow you to control the climate of a small area using frogs with the correct stats.

In the demo there were only a few traits to play with - the full game introduces you to all 7, not just min/maxxing but also their special effects that those frogs can bring. You’ve seen a glimpse of this with the amplitude frogs and the pressure pads, but there’ll be ribbet powered croakwork, as well as climate modifying properties thanks to umbrage and saturation.

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